A long time ago, an ancient race of gods and monsters ruled the Earth and the seas. The world was a chaotic and fearful place, until Zeus, the god of gods rose and struck a fragile peace. For a time, all were safe. But not all the gods were happy. Neptune, god of sea, consumed by greed and a desire for power, wanted to swallow the Earth whole in a flood that would destroy all nations. Zeus once again came to the defense of Earth. Defeated, Neptune crept back to the depths of the sea, but not before Zeus stole his powers and locked them into a stone. Never gracious in defeat, Neptune used his last vestige of strength to swallow Atlantis, a favored city of Zeus. In one wave, an entire civilization disappeared. Unable to withstand the temptation of Neptune’s power, Zeus placed the stone in an amulet and entrusted it to a young priestess named Callisto. And so the Amulet passed through the ages, kept safe from the destructive reach of Neptune. Eventually ending up with an orphaned baby named Hannah, though where she came from and how the amulet came to her, was a mystery. The nuns encouraged Hannah’s interest in her amulet and ancient symbols. So it was no surprise that she became a world-leading archaeologist, graduating from Oxford top of her class. She travelled the world, discovering secrets long buried deep, until the abbess contacted her and revealed the location of Atlantis. Such a secret as this should only be explored by the very past. Hannah’s quest for Atlantis begins. But first she must ensure that she has everything she needs to survive the journey.
That the story, maybe a little bit long, behind this interesting game. Beyond the story, the game could be categorized into the “seek & find” category. The story gives a frame for the game to develop, that’s all. Once you are playing the game what you have to do is to find certain items in different messy scenes. The game will provide a list and some hints in case you get stuck. What makes this game a bit different from others of the kind is that it organizes the game into three different types of searches. The first one is Silhouette Round, and as it name suggest, you are not given objects’ names but silhouettes. This could sound pretty hard to play but it isn’t so, since could be easier to identify a certain form than an object since its name. The second search type is Find 10 Round, in which what you have to do is to find all 10 instances of the item listed on the right of the screen. The third search type is Puzzle Round. In this mode, the item shown on the right of the screen is broken into pieces and hidden throughout the scene. You must find them all to assemble the item.
When you first enter the game, you’ll be asked for a player name and then you’ll get to the main menu with the following options on it:
- Profile: the first time there’s no existing player. After you create one or more, they’ll be saved. When you enter into this submenu, you’ll be asked for a name as a new player. It’s possible to have a list of different profiles and record their performance. This way, you can play home tournaments with family and friends.
- Play: to start playing the game, after viewing the game introduction.
- Optons: this is the menu from which you can set some game options like sound volume, music volume, and full/windowed screen.
- Exit: no further explanation required.
You can try this game for 60 minutes before you buy the licensed version. If you like it, you can buy this game for only 19.95 dollars, right from the Sun Bear Games Center, on the Web.
About the system requirements, is not that big computer that you need in order to run this game. Take a look to the list:
- OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
- Memory: 128 MB
- DirectX: 8.1 or later
- CPU: P900